About the Grateful Gardener

My name is Sherry Krause and I am very Grateful to have the time and space to garden.
My husband and I live on an acreage near Gwynne Alberta. We raised 2 wonderful daughters, one who is married and near Wetaskiwin and one living in Edmonton.
When I retired from a very satisfying 35 year career as a Medical Laboratory Technologist, I knew I wanted to spend more time in my gardens. It was time to learn and try new things!
My parents, grandparents and even some of my great grandparents were Alberta farmers, so in some ways I was coming home to my roots.
Working in the soil and growing things on our acreage had always made me feel connected to nature and more at peace, but I had little time for it as a working mom. With more time available, I expanded my gardens and the variety of plants I grow.
I especially developed a love for herbs!
Making soap was a natural hobby for me; I love science and I could put my laboratory skills to fun use.
Incorporating the herbs I was growing into my soap was a perfect combination, so I decided it was time to bring them to market.
I am so grateful: for the seeds that I plant, the hope I plant them with and the wonderful rewards at the end.
What I Value
I have always valued learning, seeing things in new ways and sharing my experiences with others.
My career as a Medical Laboratory Technologist instilled in me the values of high quality, continuous improvement, and safety.
Growing up on a family farm left me with a respect for hard work and stewardship of the land and our world.
My career as a Medical Laboratory Technologist instilled in me the values of high quality, continuous improvement, and safety.
Growing up on a family farm left me with a respect for hard work and stewardship of the land and our world.